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Are you in Pain? Do You Need a Physical Therapist?

Physical therapy is the procedure of analysis and healing from your injury or physical disorder. If you have an injury or infirmity that results in physical destruction or loss of function, then a physical therapist can help you. A Physiotherapist is a skilled expert to help renovate your potency, motion and activity. After understanding the mechanics of your body he designs a treatment program for you. You can learn specific stretches, exercises and other specialized techniques to recover your body. Physiotherapists make use of many different techniques to decrease your pain of your body and inflexibility. He improves motion, potency and mobility.

Physical Therapy For Low Back Pain

The most common analysis seen in several physical therapy clinics is Lower Back Pain. Mostly it happens due to poor sitting position, muscle sprain, lifting weighty objects, and forward bending. Physical therapy can help you to remain as active as possible. Low back pain can be a severe trouble and it is enormously recommended to seek advice from a physician or physiotherapist.

Physical Therapy For Knee Pain

The human knee is a hinge joint (turning point) that is comprised of the tibia (shin) and the femur (thigh). Knee Pain can be caused by repetitive trauma and twist or by wound. Occasionally it occurs for no apparent reason. When knee pain occurs, you may experience practical limitations that include difficulty in walking, rising from sitting, or going upstairs. If you refer physical therapy for the knee pain, the early visit is important to ensure correct analysis and proper supervision. During this visit, your physiotherapist will discuss with you to collect information about the history of your trouble, about the irritating and relieving factors, and about any past medical history that may give the overall problem. From the gathered information, a focused inspection will be conducted.

Physical Therapy For Hip Pain

The hip is actually close to the low back, and it can be complex to conclude if your hip pain is actually coming from hip or coming from your low back. If this pain remains for more than 2 or 3 weeks or occurs as the consequence of major trauma, a visit to a physician, physiotherapist, or healthcare provider is recommended. The physiotherapist may use physical agent like heat or ice help with inflammation. Exercises to improve hip muscle or mobility may be started. You also may have to perform movements or workout at home every day.

Physical therapy is beneficial in treating many diverse medical disorders. Sport and orthopedic injuryneurological  and muscular infirmity, cardiopulmonary diseases are only a few pathological situations in which physical therapy plays a vital treatment role.

Are you suffering from back pain? Are you looking to get rid from back pain?


Back pain is becoming one of the most common American health problems, affecting around 80% people at some point during their lives. It could be from minor pain, regular pain to sudden become chronic and severe pain. The pain can be acute if for few days but consider chronic if more than four to six weeks.


There are numerous complications on spine and complaints about back pain can be categories based on the spinal column curvature and understand the 33 vertebras. The neck pain (Cervical: 1-7 vertebras), upper back pain (Thoracic: 8 to 19 vertebras), lower back pain (lumbar: 20-25 vertebras) and tailbone (pelvic: 26-31 vertebras) and two (32-33) coccygeal vertebrae rarely focused.


Usually, back pain originates from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints and some time from the other structures in the human spine. Back pain can be divided into neck painupper back pain, and lower back pain. Back pain can be occur due to various reasons like muscle strain, sprain or slipped disc. There are many causes of Back Pain but one of the most common reason of back pain is doing work with which you are not used to, like carrying heavy things,  engaging in strenuous physical work and so on.

So the most common cause in back pain is wrong posture, auto or work injury and if your cause is over-weighted then back pain can be worst.


Mostly, younger people (30 to 60 year old) can suffer from back pain which originates from the disc space itself. Older adults (e.g. over 60) can suffer from Back Pain which is related to joint degeneration.


See your doctor without any delay in case of any pain in spine. Get plenty of rest and use regular an anti-inflammatory medicine to relieve pain. If your pain is severe, lost feeling see your doctor or go to the emergency room or call 9-1-1 right away. X-rays is the basic option for radio-graphic assessments for low back pain. You doctor may suggest you other diagnosis in cases in of congenital defects, trauma, metastatic cancer or bone deformity as a cause of lower back pain.

Treatment and Precautions:

There are various benefits that are provided by the physical therapy and rehabilitation for back pain and other spine related problems. The goals of physical therapy are to reduce your pain, and educate you not only in your daily and work routine but also maintain treatment program so that further recurrences can be prevented. There are many different types of treatments provided by physical therapy for back pain. Actually, the physical therapist may focus on reducing pain with passive physical therapy. These are the considered passive therapies because they are done to the patient by the therapist. In addition to passive therapies, active physical therapy (exercise) is also necessary to rehabilitate the spine and restore your daily routine.

If you are suffering from Back Pain and want to get rid of this Pain then search physical therapy clinic near you and consult only professional, licensed and experienced physical therapist today.


Call 911 for an ambulance right away. Do not try to drive to the emergency room, and try to move as little as possible.


Does your hand hurt? Have you noticed symptoms of pain, discomfort, fatigue and weakness in one or both of your hands? Are your fingers locking and unable to extend, without assistance from the other hand? Have you experienced numbness and tingling that has gotten progressively worse? Does your hand feel clumsy and are you noticing that you drop things from your hand more frequently or are unable to pick up things or open containers with your hands? If so, you may be suffering from one or more of the following chronic hand and upper extremity conditions such as arthritis, tendinitis, or nerve conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

Has your hand or upper extremity been affected by an accident or trauma leaving you with wounds, scars, burns, injured tendons or nerves, fractures, dislocations or amputations of your fingers, hand or arm? Have you undergone prolonged casting or underwent a surgical procedure? Are you now experiencing severe pain and limitations in motion and function, associated with your injuries?

Whether you are suffering from a chronic hand and upper extremity condition or recently experienced an acute injury, you may be a candidate for hand therapy. If your physician has not already recommended it, you should ask him for a referral so that you can expedite your recovery process.

What is hand therapy? Hand therapy is specialized therapy that focuses specifically on conditions affecting the hand and upper extremity. It can be performed by an Occupational Therapist or Physical therapist who has a high degree of specialization that requires continuing education and often advanced certification.

What can hand therapy do for me?
• Provide preventative , Non-operative or conservative treatment
• Manage acute or chronic pain
• Provide wound care to include care of open and or sutured wounds (prevention of infection and assistance in healing)
• Control hypertrophy (raised and/or swollen) scars or hypersensitive scars
• Reduce swelling
• Instruct in desensitization and sensory re-education following nerve injury or trauma
• Fabricate splints for prevention or correction of injury or to protect surgical sites or to increase movement
• Design and implement home exercise programs to increase motion, dexterity, and/or strength
• Train in the performance of daily life skills through adapted methods and equipment
• Conditioning prior to returning to work

What is a Certified Hand Therapist?
A Certified Hand Therapist (C.H.T.) is an occupational/physical therapist who specializes in the treatment of hands.
They must have a minimum of 5 years postgraduate experience with at least 4,000 hours in hand therapy and have successfully challenged the Hand Therapy Certification Commission exam in order to obtain these credentials. CHT’s are dedicated professionals who have a commitment to meet the highest standards of their profession. The hand and arm have an extremely intricate anatomy and complexity. Rehabilitation of the hand and arm requires in-depth knowledge and up-to-date techniques. Certified Hand Therapists have the highest level of competence in the rehabilitation of upper extremity injuries.
Certified Hand Therapists are able to initiate treatment immediately following surgery often while stitches are still in place. Early referral to a hand therapist is effective in preventing further surgeries and obtaining an optimal outcome.

Hopefully, this information helps you to make the right decision, when consulting your medical specialist.
“Restoring life back into your hands”