Knobby Knees

Osgood Schlatter Disease

Osgood Schlatter Disease (OSD) or Knobby Knees is a common cause of knee-pain among the teenagers. This pain mostly affects the boys between 13 to 14 years of age and the girls between 11 to 12 years. This problem mostly occurs during the growth spurt.

What do we understand by Osgood Schlatter Disease?

Osgood Schlatter Disease is an overuse injury of the knee resulting in pain and swelling below the knee cap over the shin bone. This disease is marked by the inflammation of the bone cartilage and /or tendon at the top of the shin bone, where the tendon from the knee cap attaches. It commonly affects the teens who are engaged in vigorous sports activities which involve lots of running, jumping and swift direction changes, as in; basket ball, gymnastics, soccer, figure skating, ballet and volley ball.

What are the potential signs and symptoms of Osgood Schlatter Disease?

Osgood Schlatter Disease usually harms one knee at a time but it may affect the both knees. It lasts for months and recurs until the child stops growing. Following signs and symptoms may be observed in the teens with OSD:

  • Pain below the knee cap
  • Severe pain during and after the activity
  • A tiny and soft bony bump under the knee cap
  • The swelled area becomes tender to pressure
  • Limping after the physical activity
  • Pain Easing with Rest
  • Tightness in the muscles surrounding the knee.

What are the factors leading to the Osgood Schlatter Disease?

At times, Osgood Schlatter Disease develops for no apparent reason. But the below mentioned factors may lead to the condition:

  • Repeated small injuries to knee before the growth spurt is over
  • Overuse of thigh muscles resulting in swelling
  • Repeated strain on the attachment of the patellar ligament
  • Formation of callus (healing bone) resulting into hard bony bump

What are the treatment options suggested to heal Osgood Schlatter Disease?

Osgood Schlatter Disease usually heals itself after the child’s bones stop growing. Till then, a customized physical therapy treatment program targeted at relieving pain and swelling are practiced, following techniques are employed to treat the symptoms:

  • Activity modification and in more severe cases, activity elimination is advised
  • R.I.C.E. Therapy (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) is suggested to relieve pain
  • Stretching exercises; concentrated on the stretching of thigh muscles, are recommended
  • Strengthening exercises may be advised to stabilize the knee joint
  • To shield the sensitive area, the physical therapists may recommend to wear knee pads during the sport
  • Bracing, strapping and wrapping of knee area may be recommended for support

Contact Alliance Physical Therapy

Contact Alliance Physical Therapy to proficiently manage and relieve any type of musculoskeletal pain. Our diversified team of trained and certified therapists will develop a customized treatment plan for you while taking due care of your needs and urgencies and will help you to regain health and proper functioning.

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