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What are Symptoms, Causes and Treatment available to treat Hip Bursitis?

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Hip Trochanteric Bursitis is one of the most common reasons for hip pain. This condition affects both the active and inactive individuals but the condition is more common among middle-aged women or females.

What do we mean by Hip Trochanteric Bursitis?

Hip Trochanteric Bursitis occurs when the bursa that covers the bony point of hip bone (greater trochanter) becomes irritated or inflamed. This is the most commonly inflamed bursa of the hip joint.

What are the causes of Hip Trochanteric Bursitis?

Hip Trochanteric Bursitis occurs due to the combination several factors including:

  • Repetitive stress-injuries resulting from running, bicycling or standing for long hours.

  • Hip injury

  • Spine diseases like; scoliosis or arthritis of the lumbar spine

  • Inequality in leg-length

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Previous hip surgery or prosthetic implants in the hip

  • Deficiency of Calcium

  • Bone spurs or development of calcium deposits within the tendons

  • Hip muscle tightness or weakness

  • Abnormal hip or knee structure

  • Poor hip or knee mechanics

What are potential symptoms of Hip Trochanteric Bursitis?

The patients suffering from Hip Trochanteric Bursitis may experiences one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Pain and swelling at the affected side of the hip

  • Tenderness on the outside of hip

  • Pain while lying on the affected side

  • Sharp Pain in the hip that changes into a dull ache and travels down the side of leg

  • Pain & stiffness while sitting or walking for prolonged periods

  • Pain while climbing stairs or sitting with legs crossed

How can Physical Therapy help to treat Hip Trochanteric Bursitis?

Physical Therapists typically suggest or prescribe the combination of stretching and strengthening activities to treat the condition and as well to eliminate the pain. Following treatments or strategies may be adopted by your physical therapist to achieve the specific goal:

  • Ice therapy may be used to reduce the inflammation of bursa

  • Electrotherapy or deep-tissue massage techniques may be used to reduce pain & irritation.

  • Range of motion exercises are prescribed to restore normal mobility to the back, hip and knee

  • In order to decrease muscular tension, stretching techniques may be applied to the lower body.

  • Hand-on treatments may be used to move your muscles and joints in order to improve their strength & motion

  • Strengthening exercises may be applied to eliminate excessive strain at the trochanter.

  • Your Physical therapist may develop a safe and customized progressive resistance program to strengthen your lower extremity

  • Functional training may be provided to help you to safely transit back to your normal or routine activities

  • Patient education will be provided in order to eliminate the risk of re-injury. You will be educated about safer & controlled body movements

Contact Alliance Physical Therapy for the state-of-art and efficient treatment of any of your musculoskeletal problems or diseases. Our professional and diligent Physical Therapists use patient-proven methods and top-notch techniques to treat your problems and help you to get back to your work as early as possible.


There are a number of problems that cause pain in the neck. Irritation along nerve pathways in the neck can cause pain in the shoulder, head, arm, and/or hand.


Neck pain can be caused by irregularities in the soft tissues areas, namely in the muscles, ligaments, and nerves. The irregularities can also occur in the bones and joints of the spine. The most common causes of neck pain in the soft-tissue regions are due to injuries, degeneration, or prolonged wear and tear on the muscles and ligaments. In rare cases, infections or tumors may be the cause of neck pain. For some people, neck problems may be the source of pain in the upper back, shoulders, or arms.

Other causes of neck pain can be caused by:

INFLAMMATORY DISEASES - Rheumatoid arthritis can cause destruction of the joints of the neck. Rheumatoid arthritis typically occurs in the upper neck area.

CERVICAL DISK DEGENERATION - The cervical discs act as a shock absorber between the bones in the neck. In cervical disk degeneration, which typically occurs in people age 40 years and older, the normal gelatin-like center of the disk degenerates and the space between the vertebrae narrows. As the disc space becomes narrow, additional stress is placed on the joints of the spine.

INJURY - Because the neck has so much flexibility and it must constantly support the head, it is extremely susceptible to injury. Motor vehicle or diving accidents, participation in contact sports, traumatic injuries, or falls may result in neck injuries. The regular use of safety belts in motor vehicles can help to minimize or prevent neck injury.

OTHER CAUSES - Tumors, Infections, or Congenital abnormalities of the vertebrae may also cause neck pain and range of motion limitations.

Risks and Prevention of Neck Pain

You may be most shocked to learn that you do much of your standing, sitting, exercise and other activities with a forward head. Test yourself and see if you have a tendency to tilt forward:

  • Stand with your back to a wall, but not touching the wall.
  • Back yourself up to the wall until something on your body makes contact.

Start paying attention to how other people sit while eating or how they tend to carry a large purse or backpack. Does their neck tilt forward against the load or are they using muscles to hold the spine in a healthy position? The average person will overstretch their neck and upper body unequally so often, it is a mystery that they don’t have more pain.

  • Stand with your whole body (heels, hips, upper back, and the back of your head) against a wall.
  • Bring the back of your head against the wall without raising or dropping your chin, or arching your back.
  • If you cannot keep your heels, hips, upper back, and the back of your head against the wall in a comfortable position or you crane your neck, you are too tight to stand up straight.

Many people are susceptible to neck and shoulder pain because of repetitive work-related issues, poor posture, and overall bad habits. The things listed below will help you assess your situation and your likely cause of neck and shoulder pain.

Be aware of your Posture

If you are sitting in the same position for long amounts of time you are a prime canditate for neck stiffness and pain.

  • Identify the risks associated with your job and your daily work routine. If you are required to lift heavy objects or are at risk of injury due to a fall or other trauma, you may eventually sustain a more serious injury which causes neck pain. Be certain you take the necessary precautions and safety measures while working.
  • Make an appointment with your doctor for a full check-up annually, especially if you are at increased risk of osteoporosis or congenital problems.
  • Examine your lifestyle for habits that may lead to pain. Pay attention to how you fall asleep, or when you are resting on the couch. Pillows that are very soft or filled with feather or down are likely to cause bad posture during sleep. You should investigate pillows that support the natural curve of your back and neck. Make sure you have suitable furniture in your home. A desk chair that is not supportive or a pillow that doesn’t offer enough neck support will lead to bad posture and result in neck pain.
  • Use relaxation techniques when you are under mental and emotional stress. Stress is a major culprit in bad cases of neck pain. Incorporate the following daily exercises and activities into your day to keep muscles flexible and healthy. Exercising regularly will also reduce tension and stress hormones in your body.

Aquatic therapy or pool therapy consists of an exercise program that is executed in the water. It is a valuable form of therapy that is useful for a range of medical conditions. Aquatic therapy utilizes the physical properties of water to aid in patient healing and exercise performance. Call today at: 703-670-9935


Stay Healthy in Winter

Winter is the season to boost the immune system and nurture our body. Eating nourished warm food, sleeping well and staying active are some important aspects to keep one healthy during winters.

Physical activity is an important aspect to keep one fit throughout the winter. Daily routine of yoga or any form of physical activity will help to keep you warm and boosts the immune system improving defense against seasonal ailments like flu and colds.required to regulate the mood.

A lack of exercise and activity during the winter months is one of the most significant health risks. Exercise is crucial to ward off illness and feel your best. You can also stay healthy indoors by exercising at home or doing indoor activities.

Shorter days and colder weather may lead you to exercise less. But even moderate exercise, like a brisk walk, raking leaves, or climbing stairs, can help. Physical activity can help you maintain or lose weight, reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and improve your quality of sleep.

 How to stay healthy in winter tips:

  • Get a Games Console – Stay fit and have fun in your own home. Something like a Wii Fit is a great way to exercise and have fun with family during the festive season.

  • Draw up a Weekly Regime – the best way to stick to an exercise plan is to set goals and tick them off as you achieve them. This keeps you motivated and means you’re likely to stick with your plan.

  • Workout at Home – use online resources like YouTube to follow exercise plans like aerobics, yoga, and high-intensity training (HIT). If you don’t have access to the internet, ask family and friends to help you, or even make up your own regime.

  • Do Winter Sports – if you can get out and enjoy sports, try skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, snowshoeing, etc. These activities come with a higher risk of harm, but if you take precautions, you can reap many benefits.


Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Foot Pain:

Foot Pain

Foot pain can affect any part of your foot, from your toes to your Achilles tendon at the back of your heel. Some foot pain is just an annoyance, but foot pain can also be more serious, especially if it’s the result of an injury or certain chronic conditions. Minor foot pain usually responds well to home treatment but more severe foot pain needs medical attention. If not treated, some types of foot pain can lead to long-term damage or disability.

Causes of Foot Pain

Most foot pain is due to poorly fitting shoes, injury or overuse. But structural defects and medical conditions, such as arthritis and diabetes, also can lead to foot problems. Foot pain may be caused by many different conditions or injuries. Acute or repeated injury, disease, or a combination is the most common causes of foot pain. Injury is a result of forces outside the body either directly impacting the body or forcing the body into a position where a single or combination of forces results in damage to the structures of the body. Poor biomechanical alignment may lead to foot pain. Wearing shoes that are too tight or high heels can cause pain at the balls of the feet and the bones in that area. Shoes that are tied too tightly may cause pain and bruising on the top of the foot.

  • Injuries such as ligament sprains, bruises, muscle strains and fractures commonly happen suddenly (acutely).
  • Sprains, strains, bruises, and fractures may be the result of a single or a combination of stresses to the foot.
  • A sprain of the foot or ankle happens when ligaments that hold the bones together are overstretched and their fibers tear.
  • The looseness of ligaments in the joints of the foot may lead to foot pain.

The muscle’s bursa and fascia of the foot can be strained by overstretching, overuse, overloading, bruising, or a cut (such as by stepping on a sharp object). Achilles tendonitis is a common injury to the tendon that attaches at the back of the heel.

  • Injury to the bones and joints of the foot can be caused by a single blow or twist to the foot, or also by repetitive injury that can result in a stress fracture.
  • A blunt-force injury such as someone stepping on your foot may result not only in a bruise (contusion) injury but also damage to the muscles and ligaments of the foot.
  • Direct blows to the foot can cause bruising, breaking of the skin, or even fracturing of bones.
  • Metarsalgia is the irritation of the joints of the ball of the foot. “Turf toe” is a common athletic injury in which the tendon under the joint at the base of the big toe is strained.
  • Injury to the toenail can cause pooling of blood under the nail and the permanent or temporary loss of a toenail.
  • Repetitive injury to the bones, muscles, and ligaments can result in extra bone growth known as spurs or exostosis.

Symptoms may accompany foot pain

Pain and point tenderness are the first indications that something is wrong in a specific area. The onset of pain, whether suddenly or over time, is an important indicator of the cause of the problem.

Bones of the foot are joined together by ligaments. A sprain happens when the ligaments that hold the bones together are overstretched and the fibers tear. Point tenderness and looseness of a joint are indications of a sprain.

Injury to the bones of the foot can be caused by a single blow or twist to the arch or also by repetitive injury that can end in a stress fracture. Fractures are indicated by a small point of pain that may be exquisitely tender on the bone. There may be a noticeable lump or gap at the site of the fracture. A turned toe or forefoot may also be a sign of a fracture.

Injury to the bones of the foot can be caused by a single blow or twist to the arch or also by repetitive injury that can end in a stress fracture. Fractures are indicated by a small point of pain that may be exquisitely tender on the bone. There may be a noticeable lump or gap at the site of the fracture. A turned toe or forefoot may also be a sign of a fracture.

Prevention of Foot Pain

  • To prevent injuries and pain, the following issues should be addressed before starting an exercise routine.
  • Are you in good health? A general physical exam by a physician will help to evaluate your cardiovascular function, the possibility of disease or any other general medical problems that you may have.
  • Before beginning activities, diseases such as gout, diabetes, certain types of arthritis, and neuropathies should be treated.

Treatment for Foot Pain

When the pain begins to interfere with your daily living activities or if you cannot perform your chosen activities without pain, you should consider getting medical attention. Indications that you should seek medical care are:

The area looks deformed, you have loss of function, change of sensation, a large amount of swelling with pain, prolonged change of skin or toenail color, the affected area becomes warmer than the surrounding areas, becomes extremely tender to the touch, or is causing you to move differently.

At Alliance Physical Therapy we provide 24/7 access to online appointments, with most of the requests scheduled in less than 48 hours. Visit here for moreinformation: http://www.alliancephysicaltherapyva.com

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And How Can We Avoid It?

The bones, ligaments, and the muscles of the wrist are located in such a way that a tunnel is created for the tendons of the forearm muscles and nerves. When the median nerve becomes entrapped or compressed, the signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) become noticeable. When structures such as tendons and nerves are compressed, inflammation becomes apparent. This inflammation is the usual cause of developing CTS. The best way to avoid or manage CTS is to heat and stretch the involved muscles regularly. A general wrist and hand strengthening program can be beneficial to limit possible tendon injury.
Typically, the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome come on gradually.  Symptoms usually appear at night and may be present in both hands.

How can Orthopedic Rehabilitation help you?

Orthopedic Rehabilitation is just one tool available to help you get back to a healthy and active lifestyle. Orthopedic rehabilitation is a form of therapy with a purpose of minimizing the effect on muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons at various stages of each disease and condition. Orthopedic physical therapists in the rehab help you to regain use of your limbs and incorporate assistive devices by diagnosing and treating injuries.  After a surgery or severe injury orthopedic rehabilitation can enable you to perform your daily activities. Orthopedic rehabilitation can help people to get back on track when they are experiencing a malfunction nearly anywhere in their system and rehabilitation programs have been used in different capacities for different challenges with new methods of care plans to improve existing conditions.

 Orthopedic Rehabilitation after Surgery

Patients often work with PTs after surgeries like:-

  • Heart Surgery
  • Knee Replacement
  • Knee Arthroscopy
  • Hip Replacement
  • Cancer Surgery

Orthopedic Rehabilitation after Acute Injury- a single Trauma can result in acute injury. If you sprain an ankle, tear your meniscus or herniate a disk Orthopedic Rehabilitation helps to:-

  • Manage pain & swelling
  • Rebuild your strength
  • Function with the weight bearing restrictions your doctor recommends
  • Flare up your routine activities

Rehabilitation after Chronic Injury- Prolonged injury is common in sports person, can damage your body by overusing the same muscle groups or joints and pain can continue after the injury such as:-

  • Jumper’s knee
  • Swimmer’s Shoulder
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Orthopedic Rehabilitation helps to improve your health by Physical therapy programs with the help of skilled Physical therapists. Here are some helping points that help you to avoid costly hospitalization;-

 Maximize your movement with Quality of Care:

Recovery is necessary in order to strengthen muscles after injury or overuse. Immobility can affect the length of your muscles. Experts in rehabilitation have set a goal to achieve your body to maintain optimal body activity. Rehabilitation helps in physical, psychological, vocational and social capacities. Pain free movement is crucial to your quality of life, your ability to earn a living and your independence. Physical therapists are movement experts. They can reduce fatigue which can help you to continue physical activities and increase confidence.

Restoring Normal Movement in Joints with Highly Specialized services:

Physical Therapists work collaboratively with their patients. They design treatment plans for each person’s individual goals, challenges and needs. Rehabilitation can even increase the effectiveness of your medications. Set of exercises get your body moving and help with balance, posture and joints. While there will be normal discomfort that comes with a good workout which is a great sign of comeback and feels stronger than ever. Rehab Facility could consist of energy techniques, problem solving skills and working out parts of the body so that your chances of paralysis or impairment are lower.

 Promotes Circulation & Boosts Memory and Cognitive Skills

Older adults have high chances of cell deterioration, joint and muscle stiffen when they are not used as a result people start shrinking by age that cause problem walking, rising from a chair. To maintain a flexible range of motion and circulation, an orthopedic Rehab training program makes you stronger enough to keep your blood pumping. Without proper blood flow risks of blood clot increase. Brain cells also deteriorate with age or stroke. Rehabilitation provides services to senior citizens in particular to increase brain function. Memory loss is protected by solving puzzles and reading books are the right moves to focus on sensory stimulation and simplified exercises.

 Reduce Pain & Need for Pain Medication

getting Older, Arthritis and joint pain are natural parts of life. That doesn’t mean you should stop, to treat your body, move your body regularly with the help of your PTs in Rehab can help to prevent pain as you age and further prevent damage. In rehabilitation alternative therapies to joint pain can be beneficial. Severe Injuries of all kinds essential to include in Orthopedic Rehabilitation in order to recover from physical injury caused by brakes, Tears, twists and so on. Inflammation in knees, ankles blocks to move freely so make sure to exercise regularly as professionally planned for you. Good orthopedic Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy can eliminate pain. Therapists massage the sensitive areas where the tissues become stiff, by reducing stiffness through nerve stimulation leading to less pain and getting patients back to normal level of health.

Avoid Surgery- People tend to do PT as something you do after surgery, before you undergo expansive and invasive surgery read about Physical rehabilitation. It is as effective as surgery. At innovative pain and wellness including muscle tear, Knee Osteoarthritis, Rotator cuff tears, spinal stenosis, degenerative disk disease etc., Total knee replace or total hip replacement are patient’s high probabilities to face complications after surgery. One meeting with a Physical therapist before you go for surgery may become a surprising result for you or may not need surgery. Rehabilitation programs help by PT to restore function without going under the knife. Physical therapists are experts in functioning your body without surgical intervention.

All in All if you don’t receive physical Rehabilitation after acute, chronic injury or surgery your injury may take longer to heal. From improving recovery time and shortening hospital stays to improving function and healing of soft tissue injury Orthopedic Rehabilitation is a vital key returning you to activity. In Rehabilitation you will work with a PT you trust and feel comfortable with when you have a complex orthopedic. In Specific conditions your rehab center offers condition specific care from highly trained. Real life patient outcomes and success rates give you an idea of exactly how effective a rehab center’s treatment programs are.

Contact Alliance Physical Therapy




After surgery, rehabilitation speeds the healing process, and it helps you learn the best way to care for yourself and return to daily activities.

Some of the patients are quite hesitant and might delay the Physical Therapy. Delay can be a challenge for patient and a big problem later down the line. Loss of Strength, muscle stiffness, Regaining proper movements of surgical part are the complications must face by patient after the delay after surgery, A physical Therapist helps to improve health with quality of care, in order to the things they want to do again. By choosing Physical Therapy at right time you can avoid surgery. In the Physical Therapy variety of techniques used to attempt for the injured part or surgical part. Before you go to the surgery must get PT visit first, after surgery you will have get to the Rehab area, why not to try it first. Physical therapist believes in the statement- any discomfort on the body can be cure and should be treated. No matter what king of surgery you are undertaking but the physical therapy after surgery will help you to know the best way to care for yourself and restart your daily routine. Following are the Reasons:-

1. Boost up Mobility, Strength and Balance-May be an image of one or more people

Loss of Mobility can have a devastating effect on your quality of life. Surgery can restrict your range of motion. Physical Therapy helps to improve mobility through movement, strength techniques; they help to improve muscle tone. Depending upon the severity of surgery, PTs would improve your balance. Physical Therapy is a vital part of healing for any type of surgery. Without ability to move freely and without pain a person may experience depression, weight gain and other health consequences. Even people lose the self- confidence. The goal of physical therapist is to get back to independent life and confidence. Ultimately Physical therapist will do whatever is necessary for your health. Physical Therapy can provide a safe and gradual plan to get you confidently back on your feet. And if the surgery took place in the arm, wrist, or hand, therapists can help you sharpen your fine motor skills again.

2. Reduce Pain & Swelling-

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Physical Therapy never hurt, that’s why it is best choice when you have long term pain after surgery. Physical therapists are experts not only in treating pain, but also a source. Swelling after surgery is another basic step of healing. Electric nerve stimulation is short term relieve given through skin helps to improve strength and relieves muscles spasms. Heat Therapy is given for pain and inflammation and increase range of motion. Ice packs are recommended for 3-4 times a day and for swelling your physical therapist may provide massages and rehabilitation can help to decrease swelling and restrict the surgical pain from becoming chronic.

3. Reduce Scare Tissue Formation

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After surgery scar formation is a natural occurrence as scars helps to strength the tissues. Your immune system respond against the injury and scars arise over your skin due to collection of new cells that cover the site of injury. Some scars can be large and painful or tender. Excess scar of tissue can reduce function and movement for months after procedure. Many massage techniques, Pressure therapy, and Ultrasound therapy to reduce the thickness of scar, simply bending and extending the joints close to scar will also reduce tissue formation. By treating your pain with, you can reduce your dependency on taking medications for stiffness and pain of tough scar tissue.

4. Reduce development of Secondary Issues: 

Loss of Mobility can have a devastating effect on your quality of life. Surgery can restrict your range of motion. Physical Therapy helps to improve mobility through movement, strength techniques; they help to improve muscle tone. Depending upon the severity of surgery, PTs would improve your balance. Physical Therapy is a vital part of healing for any type of surgery. Without ability to move freely and without pain a person may experience depression, weight gain and other health consequences. Even people lose the self- confidence. The goal of physical therapist is to get back to independent life and confidence. Ultimately Physical therapist will do whatever is necessary for your health. Physical Therapy can provide a safe and gradual plan to get you confidently back on your feet. And if the surgery took place in the arm, wrist, or hand, therapists can help you sharpen your fine motor skills again.

5. Improves Flexibility-

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A fractured bone or rehabilitation after surgery requires weeks o rest were the muscles are not used at all. To prevent from injury increasing your flexibility is crucial step. Loss of flexibility leads to weekend muscles that easily become stiff, that effect jumping, running, walking bending and stretching movements. Restoring normal range of motion after surgery stretching techniques helps to maintain flexibility by reducing resistance in muscle tissue. Contracting and stretching of muscle by planned exercise during rehabilitation improve performance and enable to do everyday activity. Such training allows you to easier and deeper movements by increasing flexibility that must provide wide range of physical benefits.

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